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Our Approach
The large-scale adoption of reliable clean energy sources has become a global priority. At SolarEdge, we’ve reimagined PV technology for residential and commercial PV systems, facilitating the acceleration of the global transition to low-carbon energy dependence.
Powering Clean Energy
Affordable & Clean Energy
Our solutions support the worldwide transition from centralized, fossil fuel-based energy to clean, distributed and renewable power generation and consumption. The SolarEdge solution maximizes PV power generation, storage and self-consumption, making solar energy available to more people in more places.

Industry, Innovation & Infrastracture
SolarEdge’s founding vision was to transform energy markets and change the way energy is harvested. We have relentlessly developed the most advanced technologies to bring renewable energy solutions to our markets, our customers, our end-users as well as for the good of the planet.

Sustainable Cities & Communities
Our solutions offer homeowners and communities the opportunity to live sustainably in homes that generate energy from the sun. With residential and community systems representing a dominant share of our global revenue, SolarEdge systems enable solar energy generation in millions of homes located in more than 100 countries.

Life on Land
Our solutions support Climate Change mitigation efforts, and other supported negative global phenomena. This includes the minimization of harmful impacts to biodiversity. In addition, SolarEdge has developed PV solutions for dual-use farming, supporting the efficient usage of existing farmlands and the reduced PV impact on biodiversity.

Want to Know More?
We welcome your feedback and invite you to send
comments to Roy Weidberg, Head of ESG.