New Polish survey determines: The majority of Poles believe that safety is the most important feature of a PV system

  • What should photovoltaics be like? First and foremost, safe. This is the opinion of the vast majority (93%) of respondents to a new survey that was conducted recently in Poland by global smart energy technology leader – SolarEdge.

  • Renewable energy sources - benefits for the environment, health and... wallet

December 7, 2022 – In recent years, renewable energy sources have become increasingly important in the production of heat and electricity. However, this is still far too low, as confirmed by participants in a survey commissioned by SolarEdge Poland. As many as 86% of those surveyed are of the opinion that Poland should bet more on renewable energy sources (RES) than it has done so far. Why? Because of the numerous advantages of renewable energy sources. According to a new survey, the most important advantage of RES is their environmental friendliness (38%). Less than 30% of respondents also point to saving money in the long term. A similar percentage (26%) also notes health benefits (no noise generation, no emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere). Further positions are occupied by such advantages of RES over non-renewable energy sources as independence from electricity price increases (23%), efficiency, i.e. perception of RES as an infinite source of energy (21.9%) and greater energy security, understood as certainty of energy supply (21.4%).

"We can see that Poles' awareness of renewable energy sources and the benefits they offer is steadily increasing. This is good news not only in terms of ecology, but above all from the point of view of energy independence" says Michał Marona, Country Manager SolarEdge Poland.

Investment in photovoltaics a recipe for the current economic situation?

Inflation and the rising cost of living, including energy, are causing more and more Poles to consider investing in photovoltaic installations. Over the next year, 60.5% of respondents are planning to make this type of decision. In turn, 40% of respondents believe that the current economic situation encourages them to invest their savings in a photovoltaic system, which will bring savings in the long term. 

Fire safety and photovoltaics

Noteworthy, for the overwhelming majority of respondents (93%), fire safety is of great importance in the context of photovoltaic systems. When looking for a safely operating system generating energy from renewable sources, respondents pay attention primarily to price (39%) and value for money (34%).

"The safety of photovoltaics, particularly in the context of fire safety, is an extremely important aspect that we pay close attention to when designing SolarEdge solutions. As we expected, the overwhelming majority of respondents agree with us. 'It is important to take care of the safety of the photovoltaic system at every stage of the process - from the design of the solution, to the installation of the photovoltaic modules, to the ongoing monitoring of the system throughout its lifetime,' - adds Michal Marona.

Poles want a quick return on investment in photovoltaics

Return on investment within 5 years - such a time period would encourage 38.6% of respondents to decide to purchase a PV system. 31.1% of respondents would be willing to invest if the outlay for the investment in a photovoltaic system is fully covered by the benefits within 10 years. 

Majority of respondents are aware of possible subsidies for photovoltaics and energy storage in RES systems

According to the survey, just over half of the respondents (55%) are familiar with the 'My Current 4.0' programme, which aims to subsidise investments in photovoltaic installations. The majority of respondents (63%) declare to be familiar with the term thermo-modernisation allowance. In turn, the term 'energy storage' and its benefits are known to 54% of respondents.

The survey 'Attitudes towards investments in photovoltaic installations' was conducted on behalf of SolarEdge Poland from 18-22 November 2022 on a sample of N = 1035 adult Poles. The survey sample has a structure similar to a representative group of adult consumers. Only Polish women and men living in single-family houses (detached or terraced) participated in the survey. The survey had a nationwide scope and was carried out using the online interview method (CAWI) in the SW Panel internet panel by the research company SW Research.

About SolarEdge

SolarEdge is a global leader in smart energy technology. By leveraging world-class engineering capabilities and with a relentless focus on innovation, SolarEdge creates smart energy solutions that power our lives and drive future progress. SolarEdge developed an intelligent inverter solution that changed the way power is harvested and managed in photovoltaic (PV) systems. The SolarEdge DC optimized inverter seeks to maximize power generation while lowering the cost of energy produced by the PV system. Continuing to advance smart energy, SolarEdge addresses a broad range of energy market segments through its PV, storage, EV charging, batteries, electric vehicle powertrains, and grid services solutions. SolarEdge is online at